Hello Future Archivist!

Welcome to LST 214- Preservation of Information Resources!

 In this course, you will be introduced to the basics of preserving library resources for both printed and non-printed. You will be learning the theories, practices, and issues in the preservation of information resources, including paper and AV materials.  It also deals with current practices and trends, including different techniques for conservation, preservation, restoration, and protection of cultural heritage for the value of access to the future generation.

 It is expected that you will use genuine, sincere, and fair means for the accomplishment of the tasks or projects, whether thru online or other means, from which evaluations of progress shall be determined. If found plagiarizing; copying or cheating in any way will receive a failing grade in the particular task.  Give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source. Consequences for violating the Academic Honesty Policy range from earning a zero on the assignment, failing the course, or being suspended or expelled from USeP.

 Please note that some of the contents in this course pack were collectively taken from the references for this course. Lastly, I require you to have a journal notebook since your answers to some of the activities will be written in your journals.

 May you enjoy learning preservation of information resources!

Welcome to LIS214!

This subject is an introduction to reference methods, literature searching and bibliographic techniques; evaluation and use of principal types of information as well as electronic resources for information searching. It covers the basic reference resources and materials for different library users.